# Hashnotes This is an example Hashnote; if you edit it, a new Hashnote with a unique URL will be created. To share a note with other people, simply copy the link! ## Markdown Hashnotes are written in [Markdown](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/), a lightweight markup syntax that gets rendered to HTML. You can find an in-depth authoring guide at the [Markdown Guide](https://www.markdownguide.org/) Markdown supports unordered lists: - An unordered item - Another unordered item - Yet another unordered item It also supports ordered lists: 1. First item 2. Second item 3. Third item You can also add inline elements like: - *Emphasis* - **Bold text** - [Links](https://example.com) Markdown also supports block quotes: > “Sometimes even to live is an act of courage.” > > ― Lucius Annaeus Seneca Code and literal text can be inserted by indenting a paragraph: # how to run a bash command: ~/ls /etc/ ### Images You can't upload images to Hashnotes, but you can always link to an external image. Here is a photo by [Chris](https://unsplash.com/@chris23) from Unsplash: ![A photo of some alpacas in a grassy field](https://i.postimg.cc/nhTXFm0T/chris-Zh-F-9-SKetvs-unsplash.jpg) However, be sure that the host of the image allows [hotlinking](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inline_linking). You can use e.g. [Postimages.org](https://postimages.org) or host the images yourself ### Extensions Hashnotes supports some common Markdown extensions like fenced code blocks: ```python # Python code sample def example(): print("This is an example function") ``` It also supports footnotes.[^1] [^1]: The footnote in question